
¿Qué es la Escuela de Mediación?

La Escuela de Mediación es un programa dirigido a estudiantes de arte y carreras afines que deseen conocer y participar de las políticas culturales de la ciudad por medio del desarrollo de las actividades que ofrece la Galería Santa Fe, así como en espacios articulados a esta.

La escuela hace parte integral de las líneas de investigación y formación y se articula con las líneas de  circulación y creación, con el propósito de establecer las condiciones para fortalecer la línea de apropiación.


Partiendo de las políticas culturales actuales en la ciudad, proponemos la inclusión de diferentes poblaciones en la capital según un enfoque diferencial donde se priorice una relación con el entorno, mediada por la aproximación a las artes plásticas y visuales. Una de las estrategias para ello ha de ser generar experimentos pedagógicos que lleven a la innovación de estructuras metodológicas por parte de las y los mediadores donde se permita la interacción entre las diferentes poblaciones, su contexto y las manifestaciones materiales e inmateriales de su cultura.

De esta manera se desarrollan procesos educativos transversales a todas las áreas que el arte acoge, donde se propicia el desarrollo de un ambiente de aprendizaje que no solo favorece las experiencias académicas, sino que además, da espacio a la experiencia emocional y cognitiva. Desde la Escuela de Mediación se propone un espacio de aprendizaje tanto del equipo de mediadoras y mediadores, como de las poblaciones con las que se trabaja, un lugar común donde no sólo se recibe conocimiento, también se imparte, confronta y enriquece, desde el fortalecimiento a los conceptos y experiencias personales y grupales.

¿Qué es la  Mediación?

La mediación es una conversación que se establece con el otro para construir conjuntamente significados y de esta manera activar la obra y hacer parte de ella. La mediación artística reconoce que las personas que visitan un espacio expositivo o participan de un laboratorio tienen saberes y experiencias artísticas que les permiten construir su propia interpretación de la obra de arte y así mismo proponer, en espacios formativos o de creación, diversas maneras de usar las técnicas para la producción artística.

​¿Qué ofrece?

La escuela ofrece la oportunidad de que el estudiante, por medio de una pasantía, obtenga experiencia en la gestión, el diseño y la coordinación de actividades de carácter educativo desde las artes plásticas y visuales. Así mismo, el estudiante adquiere, junto con las poblaciones con las que trabaja, conocimientos y experiencias que emergen de los espacios artísticos y conoce un amplio panorama en el que puede proponer diversas maneras de mediación en alguno de los dos enfoques.

Mediación en laboratorios.

Mediación en visitas comentadas.

La escuela comunica e interactúa con las alternativas que el arte tiene desde la gestión cultural y las nuevas visiones que existen sobre las prácticas artísticas, dirigidas prioritariamente a procesos de creación, investigación y desarrollo de pedagogías de mediación para conocer y reconocer diversas estrategias de aprendizaje que acogen el interés de múltiples grupos con enfoque diferencial.

¿Quiénes son las y los mediadores?

Estos se definen como sujetos que están preparados para conversar, comunicar, sugerir, invitar y mediar saberes con diversas poblaciones y desde diferentes enfoques de tipo artístico, investigativo y pedagógico.

Equipo base Escuela de Mediación Red GS
  • Manuela Parra Nieves
  • Jasmin Tatiana Puerto Torres
  • María José González
  • Isabella Arías

Equipo línea de formación Gerencia artes plásticas y visuales

  • Ivonn Stephani Revelo Bulla
  • Jennifer Andrea Rocha
  • Natalia del Pilar Gómez Machado

Puntos de vista

¿Qué es mediación?

Mediar es intervenir, posibilitar, generar, tomar posición en un espacio, con el fin de que se desarrollen procesos de pensamiento.

La mediación artística es el proceso y la forma en la que se propicia que las personas tengan un acercamiento a una experiencia estética desde los diversos sentidos.

La mediación en la Escuela de la Red Galería Santa Fe, desde mi experiencia es el posibilitar un acercamiento de los ciudadanos en general, a las diversas experiencias artísticas y propuestas del IDARTES de una manera amena, clara y pertinente; en donde la pedagogía y el arte se tornan en un canal desde el cual el otro se relaciona y se sumerge en una experiencia sensible.

Daniel Camilo Barrera

Escuela de Mediación RGSF

What is the School of Mediation?

The School of Mediation is a program designed for art students who wish to learn about and participate in the city’s cultural policies through activities offered by Galería Santa Fe and other participating venues, within the framework of institutional agreements with higher education institutions.

The school is an essential component within the fields of research and education, and it is combined with the practices of creation and circulation in order to establish the conditions for students to take ownership of the process.


Based on current cultural policies in the city, we propose that various populations in the capital be included and that the relationship with surroundings be prioritized, mediated by a visual arts approach. One of the strategies will be to carry out pedagogical experiments so that the mediators may create innovative methodological structures that enable interaction between the various populations, their context, and the material and immaterial manifestations of their cultures. In this way, cross-cutting educational processes will be developed in all art-related areas in order to create a learning environment that not only favors academic experiences but also provides space for emotional and cognitive experiences. The School of Mediation proposes a learning space for both the team of mediators and the populations with whom they work–a shared space where knowledge is not only received, but also imparted, confronted, and enriched by fortifying concepts as well as personal and group experiences.

What is Mediation?

Mediation is a conversation that takes place with the other in order to jointly construct meanings, and, as such, activate the artwork and become part of it. Artistic mediation recognizes that people who visit an exhibition space or participate in a laboratory have artistic knowledge and experiences that allow them to interpret the work of art in their own way. Subsequently, when in educational or creative spaces, they may propose different techniques for artistic production.

What does it offer?

The school offers an internship opportunity for the student to gain experience in managing, designing, and coordinating educational activities in the visual arts. Likewise, the student–together with the populations with which he/she works–acquires knowledge and experiences that emerge from the artistic spaces and learns about a wide range of scenarios in which he/she can propose diverse ways of mediation in one of the two approaches. Mediation in laboratories. Mediation in guided visits. The school communicates and interacts with various possibilities offered by the arts. These include cultural management and new visions regarding artistic practices–primarily the creation, research, and development of mediation pedagogies–in order to recognize and discover various learning strategies that embrace the interest of multiple groups with varied approaches.

Who are the mediators?

These are defined as subjects who are prepared to converse, communicate, suggest, invite, and mediate knowledge with diverse populations from various artistic, research, and pedagogical perspectives.


What is mediation?

To mediate is to intervene, to make possible, to generate, to take a position in a space, in order to develop thought processes. Artistic mediation is the process and the way in which people are encouraged to approach an aesthetic experience by using their different senses. From my experience, the School of Mediation in the Red Galería Santa Fe enables citizens to approach IDARTES’s various artistic experiences and proposals in a pleasant, clear, and relevant way; it is where pedagogy and art become channels through which one can relate and be immersed in a profound experience.

What do I see and what perspective am I seeing it from?

I see a sector whose function is to guarantee the constitutional right of access to culture. Bourdieu establishes that the field recognizes the social space and the participation of the actors. It is “determined by the existence of a shared capital and the struggle for its appropriation” (Chihu, n.d.). From this perspective, the capital entering the battlefield in this pedagogical practice is cultural and related to the visual arts.

It is an objectified cultural capital–that is to say, the knowledge of society and the most relevant forms of expressing this concept. The school is a space that allows for cooperation between pedagogical theory and artistic practice, enabling new methodologies to be created in order to promote access to visual arts in the city. Its projects allow it to establish connections with various communities. It is a field in which it is necessary to fight for cultural capital through pedagogy, since this is what will allow new meanings to be formed with respect to artistic practices.

For this reason, I believe it is important to recognize the institutional spaces of the arts as places that should be affected, since they are public institutions that carry out pedagogical projects with communities and sometimes do not have professionals in education to direct and contribute to these initiatives. This is why most projects end up prioritizing technical aspects over the experiential elements, forgetting the relevance of communities when developing artistic proposals. Finally, I identify as an actor, an educator in visual arts, and a mediator. Due to the epistemic viewpoint I have formed–based on academia and personal experience–I believe that the mediation process allows for multiple readings and interpretations of art. In this sense, mediation does not pretend to transmit the artist’s intention, as if this were the only true reading–a perspective that is related to guided museum visits. Therefore, mediation does not try to enlighten a pupil, taking up the position of the pedagogical trend of the 18th century, which affirmed that the teacher’s function was to enlighten his pupils by transmitting his knowledge and making them repeat it over and over again with the intention of memorizing the information.

In contrast, artistic mediation recognizes that people who visit an exhibition space have artistic knowledge and experiences that allow them to construct their own interpretation of the work of art. According to the above, mediation is an exchange, a dialogue that is established with another to jointly construct meanings and thus activate the work. In short, mediators are the creators of didactic and other methodologies that promote multiple aesthetic experiences together with the participants.

Equipo linea de formación Gerencia artes plásticas y visuales

  • Ivonn Stephani Revelo Bulla
  • Jennifer Andrea Rocha
  • Natalia del Pilar Gómez Machado